I work at the intersection of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, and Digital Innovation.
Generative Artificial Intelligence is the synthesis of my professional career. I started working as a web developer in 1998 while at high school. I then moved into the field of art, creativity, and marketing. I worked for some of the most influential brands in Italy. Today I am working on a technology that can generate creative content.
I co-founded Oblique.ai, an agency that develops projects based on Generative Artificial Intelligence.
Together with Federico Favot, I am the co-founder and teacher of "Prompt Design" the first and most comprehensive course in Italy on Generative Artificial Intelligence. More than 1,000 students enrolled in just a few months.
In 2017 my book “Invent your job” was published (“Inventati il lavoro", Universale Economica Feltrinelli). I invented the job of "Prompt Designer".
I teach innovation and entrepreneurship at SDA Bocconi's Executive MBAs. I also deliver a marketing course at the International Summer School at the Catholic University of Milan.
In my latest TEDx, I talk about how to be creative in the time of robots, and in my "Hacking Creativity" interview, I talk about the relationship between Generative Artificial Intelligence and Creativity.
On my blog, you will find more than 1,500 posts on a wide range of topics (from labour to sustainability). I am the author of three essays and a uchronic novel entitled "T.E.R.R.A.".
For many years I worked as an art curator (underground) trying to bring art to everyone so that everyone would have the right to enjoy it.
I often contribute to events as a speaker. Some of the major festivals I have participated in include Festival della Letteratura di Mantova, JOB&Orienta, Forum per lo sviluppo economico di Torino, Book City, Festival della Mente di Sarzana, WeMakeFuture and Festival del Fundraising.
With my partner Laura, I have two children with whom I share my many passions, from Lego to History.
The only social media I use is Linkedin, but I am a zero-inbox virtuoso! So the best way to contact me is email.
Every Friday morning, I publish "CORRENTE", an Italian-only newsletter in which I talk about the phenomena of the current times with a focus on Generative Artificial Intelligence.